
AWeSome Webinar 2 Now Available!

Project AWeSome (Adolescents, Well-being, and Social Media) has released it's spring webinar, diving further into the methodology of experience sampling research and introducing a novel N=1 way to conduct moderation analyses. The webinar includes 4 presentations from members of Project Awesome alongside a thoughtful and engaging discussion from Professor Joe Walther

  • Patti Valkenburg: Welcome & introduction
  • Irene van Driel From qualitative interviews to quantitative N=1 time series: The design of project AWeSome
  • Ine Beyens Social media, envy, inspiration, and enjoyment: An N=1 moderation analysis
  • Loes Pouwels Social media and friendship closeness: An N=1 investigation of the rich-get-richer and poor-get-richer hypotheses
  • Discussant: Professor Joe Walther, Mark and Susan Bertelsen Presidential Chair in Technology and Society and Director of the Center for Information Technology & Society at UC Santa Barbara


You can view the webinar in its entirety here:

Find more information about the program on the AWeSome website

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